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Zoom Phone Service

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With a Zoom Phone you can make and receive calls within the same Zoom client that is already used widely at MIT for meetings, classes, collaboration, and conferences in addition to on existing desk phones.

The [Zoom platform] provides you with a more integrated communication experience. Conversations can be moved from a call into a meeting, or from a meeting to a call, and calls can be easily switched from one device running the Zoom client to another.

There are two types of accounts, User/Individual and Service. Only User/Individual accounts can be used with softclients. To figure out which kind of account a line is, see: How do I tell if a Zoom Phone account is a user account or a service account? For more on who is eligible for accounts, see: Telephone Services

Key Concepts

User/Individual Account
A primary, personal line for an individual who has an MIT Kerberos ID and a Zoom Phone license. Phone service for individuals is provided as a "softphone" (software telephone) using the Zoom application on computers and mobile devices. The account can also be connected to a physical desk/wall phone as needed.

Service Line
A shared line for departments, labs, and centers (DLCs). It does not have a softclient user assigned. Phone service for a shared service account owned by a DLC can not be used on a soft phone and can be connected to a physical desk/wall phone as needed.

SoftPhone/Soft Client (app)
A software program (app) for making telephone calls over the internet using internet-connected devices. It provides a unified communications experience across mobile and desktop platforms. For Zoom Phone Service this is the Zoom desktop or mobile app.

Explore the sections below to learn how to configure and use your new Zoom phone and its features.


MIT phone service is available to MIT Faculty and Staff members with a cost object and at least one device that is compatible with Zoom Phone service. The faculty and staff members can assign the number to anybody with an MIT Kerberos ID. Currently, the Zoom Phone service is being rolled out to the MIT community.

Getting Started

You can access your Zoom Phone from apps on your mobile devices, computers, and supported desktop phones. You can also access your voicemail and change your phone's settings on the MIT Zoom portal from any supported browser. Your first step is to set up all the devices you want to use with your Zoom Phone Service.

SoftPhone Apps (Desktop and Mobile Devices)

You can make calls from any supported device with the Zoom meeting client or mobile apps using softphone functionality. A softphone is a software program for making telephone calls over the internet using internet-connected devices. It provides a unified communications experience across mobile and desktop platforms.

If you previously used Broadsoft's UC One Communicator softphone app, it will not work with Zoom Phones. Delete it and download the Zoom App from the download center linked immediately above.

Desk Phones

These delegations allow your physical devices (desk phones) to work with Zoom Phone Service. They may show up with your name, the device name, or the name of a former owner of the device. Whatever name is listed, do not add or remove any device delegations without assistance from the service desk or your local support provider. Editing these delegations may cause the physical device (desk phone) to stop working with your Zoom Phone Service account. If you have any questions or concerns about your device delegations, contact the IS&T Service Desk

Once migrated, your desk phone should work with the MIT Zoom Phone service. If it does not, it may not have automatically rebooted. Unplug the cable from the wall, wait 20 seconds, and plug it back in. That will power off your phone and allow it to reboot. If this doesn't resolve the issue, contact the IS&T Service Desk for assistance.

The MIT Zoom Portal

The MIT Zoom Portal is where you can access voicemail and configure your phone account. You can access it at:


By default your voicemail has a message saying nobody is available to take your call and it prompts the caller to leave a message. That voicemail message will be sent to the MIT email address associated with your phone account. You can alter your settings to record a personalized message, use a voice-to-text greeting or store your messages on the server.

Setup and Greeting

  1. Visit

  2. Select Sign In and authenticate with Touchstone to configure your account.

  3. In the left-hand column, select Phone and edit the default 4-digit pin to be whatever you'd like or make note of the random one it generated for you. You'll need the PIN to access your voicemail from your desk phone or by calling in.
  4. Click Setup
    Result: More options become available.

  5. Click Settings and scroll down to the "Call Handling" section.

  6. Select the "Audio Library" link.
  7. Select the "Add Audio" link.
    Result: You are given the option to select text-to-speech generated audio (with multiple voice options), upload an existing audio file, or record on your device.
  8. Once your preferred method is saved, select your greeting and click Use the Audio.
    Result: Your custom voicemail greeting will be used when callers are forwarded to voicemail.

For more options, see Zoom's Customize Audio Greetings and Hold Music

Checking Your Voicemail

Your voicemail messages are sent to you via email by default. You can set a pin on your line to give you more options including managing your voicemail on the portal, app, from your desk phone, or by calling in.

Zoom Phone accounts migrated after as of June 23 also have call-in voicemail enabled by default.

Voicemail to Email

You do not need to do anything to have your voicemail messages sent to your MIT email address as an .mp3 file and auto-transcribed for you. The emails will come from

For service lines (such as lab or group phones), you can set delegate(s) to receive the voicemail to email messages. See: Using Zoom Phone Service - Set up access for Voicemail (Including to Email)

Calling In (Including Recording a Greeting)

If your Zoom Phone account was created or migrated before June 24, 2022, you may need to complete the steps below in order to be able to call in to access your voicemail. Accounts created after that have the feature enabled by default and you only need to set your pin.

Service lines (such as office/group lines) may not able to set up the voicemail greeting by dialing in. If this option is not available, greetings can still be uploaded in the Zoom portal.

  1. If you have not already done so, set up your voicemail and greeting as outlined in the Setup and Greeting section above.
  2. Open your app and click on "Phone" in the left-hand column.

  3. Click Settings and scroll down to the "Call Handling" section.

  4. Check "Allow callers to check voicemail."
    Result: When you call into your line (dial your MIT phone number), you will be prompted to select if you want to leave a voicemail or check it.
  5. To check your voicemail:
    1. Dial into your phone number and press 2.
    2. Enter the pin you selected.
    3. Follow the prompts to listen to your voice messages (press 1) or set a greeting (press 2).

To reset your PIN, see: How do I view, set or reset my Zoom Phone voicemail PIN?

For more options, see Zoom's Checking Voicemails or Recording a Greeting Over the Phone

The App

  1. If you have not already done so, set up your voicemail and greeting as outlined in the Setup and Greeting section above.
  2. Open your Zoom app and click on the phone icon.

  3. Select the "Voicemail" tab.
    Result: From there you can manage your voicemail. Simply click on the voicemail message to play it and view the transcript.

The Portal

  1. If you have not already done so, set up your voicemail and greeting as outlined in the Setup and Greeting] section above.
  2. Navigate to the portal at
  3. Click the phone icon and select the Voicemail tab to manage your voicemail online. You can download the .mp3 directly, play it in your browser or read the transcription in the portal.

Making and Receiving Calls

Making Calls

You no longer need to dial 9 before dialing an external (non-MIT) number.

MIT's 5-digit dialing is compatible with Zoom Phones. Otherwise, dial as you would normally from any other phone. You can also access your contacts on mobile devices directly from the person icon next to the 0 on the keypad. To reach the dialing keypad, click on the phone icon. On mobile apps, you may also need to click on the keypad icon as shown below.

You can click on your phone number below the keypad to set your caller ID in the app or see Zoom's Frequently Asked Questions about Caller ID to learn more about your options.

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Receiving Calls

To receive Zoom calls, open your desktop or mobile app and authenticate using your MIT Kerberos Account. Once you're logged in, you will be notified when a call comes in per your notification preferences. This can include ringing, desktop alerts, vibration, and more. If you don't answer, by default your call will be sent to voicemail. You can explore more options for missed call routing in the forwarding section below.

Learn More

Explore more about making and receiving calls, including caller ID and contacts, at:

Forwarding and Do Not Disturb

Forwarding your phone works differently depending on if you're using the portal, the desktop app, if you're forwarding to another MIT Zoom Phone Extension, or forwarding anywhere else. You can also forward directly to voicemail, a "Do Not Disturb" equivalent, so that your phone and apps don't ring for incoming calls.

Transferring Calls

For transferring calls using Zoom's mobile or desktop apps, see Zoom's Transferring Calls.

For transferring calls using Polycom SoundPoint and VVX desk phones:

  1. While on the call, press Transfer.
  2. Press Blind.
  3. Dial the number you wish to transfer the call to.
  4. Hang up.
    Result: The call will be transferred to the number you dialed.

Headsets and Audio Troubleshooting

If you use any Bluetooth devices (microphones, headphones, tablets, additional computers, etc...), turn off Bluetooth on any devices you won't be using during your calls. This prevents the Bluetooth device you are using from connecting to the wrong other device.

If your audio/microphone still isn't working properly:

  • Check to be sure you haven't accidentally muted yourself or turned the volume down all the way.
  • Check to be sure your device is turned on.
  • Check to be sure your device's battery is charged.
  • Try playing a test sound on your device to see if the sound comes out of the speakers or your Bluetooth device. If it plays from the speakers, you know your Bluetooth device isn't connected to the device making your Zoom Phone call.


What happened to my old settings, voicemail greeting and voicemails when I was moved to a Zoom Phone?
You have a brand new, default Zoom Phone account. No content or settings were transferred from your old

Is SMS (Text) Messaging included with MIT's Zoom Phone service?
No, it is not included with MIT's license. We are investigating it as a future service.

Why are video meetings started from a Zoom Phone call limited to 45 minutes in duration?
That is the limit of the Zoom Phone license. If you need a longer video meeting, use your personal room, schedule a meeting, or hang up and call again to reset the timer.

For more FAQs, see: Zoom Phone Service FAQ

See Also

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IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 28, 2024

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