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How do I register an iPad, Android tablet, or other device?

IS&T recommends registering at least two (2) devices.
In case you lose one device, the second device will allow you to login to Duo and make changes to your settings or deactivate the lost device.
If you are using an iPhone, you need to be running the most recent version of the iOS app. As of September 2020, the Duo Mobile app requires at lest iOS 13 or higher.

To register a tablet or other device, you need to name your device in Duo, select the type of device you would like to register, install the Duo Mobile app, and scan a QR code. If you need a QR code reader, you can find one for your device at this webpage. The steps for registering your device are below.

  1. Go to
    • requires Touchstone for authentication.
    • Use your MIT kerberos username and password or you MIT certificates to login.
  2. Click Next and click the link labeled Register a new tablet (iPad) or other device (iPod).
  3. On the form, provide a name for your device and select your platform. In the screenshot below, the user is naming the device "iPad" and has selected the Platform "Apple iOS."
  4. Follow the directions to install the Duo Mobile application on your tablet or device, and scan the QR code to activate your device. Then click the Submit button.

Now that your device is registered, you will see it listed on your list of registered devices.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 27, 2021

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